Glendale / Phoenix
9017 N 57th Dr, Glendale, AZ 85302
(623) 243-7556
Tucson / Southeast Arizona
1 S Church Ave #1200, Tucson, AZ 85701
(520) 829-7080

Everyone deserves an abuse-free, violence-free relationship. Unfortunately, your partner may change and become abusive or violent. When in an abusive relationship, you may protect yourself and your kids from the abusive partner or any legitimate threat by seeking an order of protection. An experienced Arizona family law attorney can enlighten you about what an order of protection does and how to file your petition.

At Law Offices of Vescio & Seifert, P.C., our attorneys have devoted their careers to offering experienced legal services and helping domestic violence victims seek protective orders. As your legal counsel, we can evaluate the surrounding circumstances of your situation, explore your legal options, and help determine your path forward. We will guide you through the process of obtaining an order of protection and help you seek adequate protection from your abusive partner.

Law Offices of Vescio & Seifert, P.C. is proud to serve clients across Glendale & Tucson, Arizona, and surrounding communities throughout the Phoenix Metro Area.

Skilled Legal Counsel

Orders of Protection in Arizona

An order of protection order, also known as a “protective order” or “restraining order,” is a court order which prevents a person from contacting, physically abusing, threatening, sexually abusing, harassing, or stalking another person. According to Arizona law: 

“A person may file a verified petition, as in civil actions, with a magistrate, justice of the peace or superior court judge for an order of protection for the purpose of restraining a person from committing an act included in domestic violence.” 

Who Can File for an Order of Protection?

In order to file for an order of protection in Arizona, you must meet the relationship requirement. This involves having any of the following relationships with the alleged abuser:
In addition, you may be eligible to file for a protective order on someone else’s behalf if:
An experienced lawyer can enlighten you about what an order of protection can do and determine whether you are eligible to get one.

What Can an Order of Protection Do?

Depending on the surrounding circumstances, a protective order can:
An order of protection served on or after September 24, 2022, in Arizona will be valid for two years. A knowledgeable protective orders attorney can help file your petition for an order of protection and guide you through the legal steps involved.

The Process of Obtaining an Order of Protection

In order to obtain an order of protection in the state of Arizona, you should follow the steps below:
Generally, filing an order or protection in Arizona involves several complex procedures. Depending on your circumstances, you may need to attend court hearings. Hiring a skilled Arizona family law attorney is imperative for detailed guidance.

How Legal Counsel Can Help

When experiencing domestic violence or abuse, filing a protective order is crucial to protect you and your loved ones from possible harm or injuries. At Law Offices of Vescio & Seifert, P.C., we’re committed to offering reliable advocacy and compassionate representation to clients in family law and protective order-related matters. As your legal counsel, we will review all of the facts of your case and determine the ideal protection for you and your family.

Orders of Protection Attorneys Serving Glendale & Tucson, AZ

If you are a domestic violence victim and need help filing a protective order, contact the Law Offices of Vescio & Seifert, P.C. today to schedule a simple consultation. Our trusted legal team can offer you the personalized legal counsel and dedicated advocacy you need to seek orders of protection and safeguard you and your family from repeat domestic violence or abuse. We're proud to serve clients throughout all of Arizona, including Glendale, Tucson, and the Phoenix Metro Area.